He also had called Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a “fake war just like the fake pandemic” and had shared antisemitic social media posts. Regan said he regretted using the analogy but claimed it was taken out of context by members of his own party and reporters.
In March, while advocating for decertifying the 2020 presidential election during a livestream hosted by a conservative group, Regan responded to a panelist who said it is too late to do anything that her attitude is like what he tells his three daughters: “Well if rape is inevitable, you should just lie back and enjoy it. It's yes both women and men can be raped, We offer a variety of rape xxx videos, such as beautiful girl being raped by a Strong man, pizza delivery forced sex movie(Gay Rape Videos), lesbian and so on. Regan had been denounced by GOP leaders since shortly after his upset victory in a four-person primary. (AP) - A Democratic legislative candidate in Michigan won a special election for a heavily Republican seat over a GOP opponent who made controversial comments about rape, Russia’s war in Ukraine and other issues, narrowing Republicans’ state House majority.Ĭarol Glanville defeated Robert “RJ” Regan by 11 percentage points Tuesday in a Kent County district that her Republican predecessor carried by 26 points in 2020.